Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Isla's 2nd Birthday

Doesn't time fly? Isla was 2 on the 27th April but as we would be on holiday we had a little dinner party for her at home with our "Friday" gang!
All her friends came and she was spoilt with some lovely presents.
As it was a special day the girls decided ( well I decided) to dress up. Clothes courtesy of Nanna (nothing new there then!) And don't they both look gorgeous.

Nell enjoyed the party and now that she is sitting enjoys getting involved with the others now. Its great to see Isla & Nell together, as sisters they enjoy being together and Isla is very affectionate towards Nell, lets hope this stays the case.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Sunny Scarborough

As it was a nice day and we haven't had many of those lately we decided on a impromptu trip to Scarborough.
We parked up at Peasholm Park and headed for the beach for a picnic lunch. We then went on the little steam train to Scalby Mills.
Isla was most excited to see the ducks, which is great as we can see them at home! kids eh!

As you can see Isla loves the beach, sand and water are just her thing, Not! doesn't bode well for a fortnight in the sun does it? Nell took it all in her stride and seemed to enjoy being out for the day.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Kim & Phils

Kim & Phil have been back up north a while now and after threatening to visit we finally made it. They have a lovely cottage on the edge of a hillside which we will take a walk on next time we're there.
We hadn't even got through the door and Kim asked if Isla would be a flower girl for her & Phils wedding in September. Obvioulsy Isla accepted such an honour and I'm sure she will make a beautiful flower girl, I just hope that she behaves herself on their big day.

Nell was enjoying some cuddles with Phillip and was quite happy to be carried round and enjoy a tour of the house.
We heard all about the wedding plans which sound great, it will be a really special day with all the family there. Kim & Phil look very happy together and we wish them lots of love for a loving & happy marriage.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Day out at Nanny's

Mum had offered to have Isla for the night so kidnapped her first thing in the morning after spending the night. Unfortunately for her me & Nell found ourselves at a loose end so decided to gate crash their fun day out. Mum shouldn't have let slip that it was Hincliffes for lunch as the food there is lovely and I couldn't resist.

Isla is very much like her Mum and Nan and enjoys fine dining, her table manners can be a bit boisterous so its best that we keep her in the high chair but as you can see from the cheeky grin she can cause chaos even frm there!
Today she wasn't too bad and we managed to keep her entertained with some books and toys provided.

After our meal we had a quick look round the farm shop and then out to see the animals that are kept outside. Isla loves the chickens and went over for a little chat, its hard to explain to a 1 yr old that chicklens don't go quack quack but it was good effort Isla.
As you can see Nell wasn't too bothered for talking to the animals and decided on 40 winks instead. We will have our hands full when she's up and about with Isla. Will Nanny take them both then, eh Mum?!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


They say that Christmas is for kids but ours are still a bit too young to understand what all the fuss is about. However that didn't stop everyone from spoiling them rotten and Isla although a bit bewildered got stuck into the unwrapping! We didn't buy the girls much as don't want to spoil them too much and no doubt they will be asking for the earth in years to come.

Isla loved the kitchen that Nana and Grandad bought and will serve any visitors with a cuppa and a bun. It keeps her entertained for hours and she obviously takes after her Dad as she tidys up all the time too!

Nell was sporting a little santa dress which Mummy bought her even though she knew she could only wear it for two weeks. She was as good as gold all day. Next year will be great when they're both walking.
We enjoyed a quiet Christmas just us and Mum and Dad (who bickered all day, how were these two ever married?!) They cooked Christmas dinner so we could spend time playing with the kids and it was lovely. Andrew had to work in the evening so once the girls had gone to bed we had a quiet night watching telly and picking on Dad.
Nell is really growing up now and the Williams family is looking forward to 2008. You never know I may update the blog a couple of times but it's hard to find time with two kids you know!!