Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Welcome Nell Williams

Nell Williams was born at 6.03am on Friday 24th August 2007 weighing 6lbs 2oz. The birth was ery quick in the end with the pushing stage only taking 3 mins! Despite that its not like shelling peas, and I'm glad I don't have to go through it again as Nell makes our family complete!

Isla came to see her new little sister in the hospital and was quite taken with her. We have to remind her to be gentle but she gives her lovely kisses to welcome her to our family.

Isla seems so much more grown up now we have Nell and is no longer our little baby. It seems hard to believe that I was on this ward April last year having Isla, how much she has changed in that time and now she is a big sister!

Although there are some similarities Nell doesn't look too much like Isla, they were both born with dark hair and blue eyes. We can't really work out who Nell takes after! I have studied her now and think she is like her grandad Williams. As Andrew also looks like his dad I guess Nell will take after Andrew,where Isla is starting to look more like me!

This is me just after the delivery, can you tell I have just given birth and have been up for 30 + hours?! So there you have it, the first pictures of our new arrival. The Williams family are very happy at the moment and Andrew and I are looking forward to life with our two girls!