Monday, November 05, 2007

Birthday Girl 5/11

Remember rembember the 5th November! Yes it's birthday time again and I started the day opening my cards and presents in bed with Andrew and my two beautiful daughters.
Andrew had taken the day off work which meant we could go out for the day.
We decided to go to Scarborough which was a good choice as we had a great day.
After arriving it was nearly lunch time so we walked into the town centre and went to our old favourite pizza hut. Taking it in turns to look after Nell and then attack the buffet lunch was a leisurely affair which was perfect as it rained whilst in the restaurant but stopped bythe time we had finished. Isla tucked into pizza pasta and salad and was rewarded with a balloon which lasted all of ten seconds once we got outside and she let go of it!
The sun was shining so we took a walk along the beach. Nell wanted to be out of the pram and enjoyed the fresh air being carried.

We stopped to take some photos to mark the occasion before heading off home.
The birthday celebrations were rounded of by me and Andrew enjoying a lovely chinese and bottle of champagne whilst the girls slept soundly (thank goodness).
So thats it for another year, big birthday next time so hope you're all saving!

Saturday, November 03, 2007


It's halloween and Isla has dressed up as a witches black cat to scare the neighbours. Not that she looks very scary just really cute! Complete with a pumpkin bucket she went trick or treating with Matthew and Rebecca and they were dressed up too.

Isla soon got the hang of knocking on the doors and getting the treats! So we didn't disturb anyone who wasn't into Halloween we only called on people we knew and those who had pumpkins or decorations up. Isla was a bit shy at first but was then taking handfuls of sweets for her bucket. Don't worry though we won't let her eat all that chocolate and sweets Mummy and Daddy have promised to help out.
There were loads of people dressed up and wandering around. Halloween has really taken off over the last few years and lots of people were having Halloween parties too.

When the night was over we were back home and Isla showed Daddy all the goodies she had received. Daddy had stayed in to look after Nell but I'm sure when Isla & Nell both go next year he will want to go too you know how he likes to join in these things (Not!)

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

All the Fun of the Fair

First Direct had a free fun fair set up for the weekend for staff and their friends and family so Laura who works there invited us along to join her Paul and Isabel.
Isla had never been to a fair before and was a little overwhelmed at first. I took her on the teacup ride which is fairly tame by any ones standards I thought, but she wasn't too keen and was clinging onto me, having said that it did go faster than I was expecting but I coped!

Paul and Andrew went on the much more manly ride, this picture was just as it set off so was at quite a sedate pace still. We all declined the big rocket ride that flung you high and upside down etc.

There was also face painting on offer so we took Isla for another first for her. I decided a full on tigers face or butterfly etc might be too much for her and I didn't think she would sit still that long so we opted for a few pretty flowers instead. We managed to get a quick picture whilst she pinched a drink of my diet coke, no food or drink is safe with Isla around, last week we caught her having a swig of Andrews beer! If I hadn't caught her the tell tale beer moustache would've given her away!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Sunday Lunch at The Turnpike

As the weather is changing and winter is fast approaching we decided to cheer ourselves up by treating our selves to Sunday lunch with all our friends. We needed somewhere child friendly as me and Adele have now caught the others up and have children of our own.
We chose the Turnpike at Knottingley as it has an indoor and outdoor playground and even better all the meals were 2 for 1!
Adele turned 39 this week, Helen already is and I'm fast approaching so we thought we'd get a picture of the old girls, I don't think we look that bad on it!

Nell the youngest of our group slept through the whole thing and was no trouble at all. Everyone wanted a cuddle and Isla was off playing which left me and Andrew chance to relax and chat with our friends over a nice leisurely meal and drink.

It wasn't a bad day so the kids spent a lot of time outside, Matthew & Rebecca were in charge with Becca's boyfriend Ben and they kept them out of trouble for us. Isla and Isaac enjoyed playing together, maybe a future romance in years to come?!

We all had a great time and the food was cheap as chips, so we'll probably all go again. What is really good is that now all the pubs are no smoking there is no problem taking the kids and you don't stink of smoke when you come home.
It may not seem like a great day out but with a toddler and a 4 week old going anywhere is fantastic!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Friends Reunited Place Gallery

Friends Reunited Place Gallery

Chalk Is that you on backrow? Richard Cooper placed this on FR website!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Lotherton Hall

As the weather has finally picked up and we are getting a bit more organized since the arrival of Nell Eve ( yes have finally settled on a middle name) we decided to have an afternoon out at Lotherton Hall. So car packed with kids, double buggy and a picnic we set off.

It was probably one of the warmest days I can remember for ages so the jeans I had on were a big mistake!

We found a lovely spot in front of the house which we had to ourselves. Nell slept the whole time we were there but Isla loved running around the gardens and hiding in the long grass.

The picnic was great and it was really nice to spend the afternoon as a proper family, with our two girls.
Isla doesn't sit still for more than a minute and was off exploring the flower gardens with Andrew in hot pursuit.
I chilled out on the grass with Nell trying to find a bit of shade from the sun.

Andrew played with Isla and was throwing her in the air and catching her, it didn't look that high until you see the pictures.

There really is loads to do at Lotherton, Isla particularly likes the playground, climbing and sliding!

We gave the bird garden a miss on this visit as we planned to come again at the weekend with Antony & Jo.

It takes a bit more effort and organising to get out these days but we are thoroughly enjoying being parents and are looking forward to plenty more trips out. Andrew is keen to take Isla to see Blackpool lights! (not)


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Welcome Nell Williams

Nell Williams was born at 6.03am on Friday 24th August 2007 weighing 6lbs 2oz. The birth was ery quick in the end with the pushing stage only taking 3 mins! Despite that its not like shelling peas, and I'm glad I don't have to go through it again as Nell makes our family complete!

Isla came to see her new little sister in the hospital and was quite taken with her. We have to remind her to be gentle but she gives her lovely kisses to welcome her to our family.

Isla seems so much more grown up now we have Nell and is no longer our little baby. It seems hard to believe that I was on this ward April last year having Isla, how much she has changed in that time and now she is a big sister!

Although there are some similarities Nell doesn't look too much like Isla, they were both born with dark hair and blue eyes. We can't really work out who Nell takes after! I have studied her now and think she is like her grandad Williams. As Andrew also looks like his dad I guess Nell will take after Andrew,where Isla is starting to look more like me!

This is me just after the delivery, can you tell I have just given birth and have been up for 30 + hours?! So there you have it, the first pictures of our new arrival. The Williams family are very happy at the moment and Andrew and I are looking forward to life with our two girls!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dexter's Birthday Weekend

We braved the floods and travelled down to Hereford to Antony & Jo's for the weekend to join in Dexters first birthday celebrations. The journey wasn't too bad but there was no doubt as to how bad it had been as we passed countless abandoned cars and caravans with water up to the roof.

Jo had planned a big garden party but it was so wet it had to be cancelled and it was a family only do! Despite the change of plan we had a really good weekend and all the cousins enjoyed playing together.

Thankfully the weather wasn't too bad on the Sunday, Isla & Dexter were glad to play outside for once! Antony stoked up the barbie and we had a lovely lunch of sausages & burgers before heading off home.
A really nice weekend so a big thank you to Antony & Jo especially as they gave up their bedroom for us!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sunny June?!

Following on from the storms and floods in Sydney and not to be out done the English summer decided to join in. Talk about flaming June, you should see the flaming weather!
Hundreds of homes across North & South Yorkshire have been flooded and we have never seen scenes like it!
Andrew & I went out on Monday and couldn't even get out of Garforth and it never floods here!

This picture shows two people struggling to get past the Old George. Behind them is the roundabout but no one could get round so it was about turn for us. Just as well I wasn't at work as I wouldn't be able to get home.

This is a view from the other side of the roundabout, because it was flooded cars were having to go round the wrong way round the roundabout, which is pretty weird when you're going the right way and cars are coming at you!

Whoa mind your brolly mister!

Back home and Isla was dressed for the weather but it was throwing it down so we didn't let her out, instead she had to make do with watching through the window. Doesn't she look cute in her raincoat and hat though? just as well you can't see her feet as we only have sandals that fit her currently.

So its been pretty wet and miserable lately, despite it being brighter today the forecast for the weekend is more rain. Good job we live on the highest spot in Garforth so not much chance of our house being flooded.

Lets hope the sun decides to make an appearance soon, we're ready!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Birthday Boy

Uncle Bryan turned 65 last week but is still only admitting to 27! It seems the Mortimers have trouble in revealing their age, I don't know why cos none of them look it!

To celebrate we had a family meal at Maxi's, we couldn't ask anyone else as that would give the game away!

I think Mum,Bryan & Sandra look fab so hopefully it bodes well for me Chalk & Kim!

We had a lovely meal, the lazy susan was piled high and we kept spinning the wheel so we could try a bit of everything. It has been a long time since we have all been out together and it was a really good night. It's great to have Kim & Phil back in Yorkshire, I wonder if Chalk & Bek will see the light and return to Gods own country!

No clubbing after the meal, Andrew & I had to get back for the babysitter. Kim & Phil had a long drive home and lets face it the others are just too old! ONLY JOKING!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to Uncle Bryan for a lovely night. I look forward to the next family celebration if we have one eh Mum!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

North York Moors Railway

The North Yorks Moor railway have recently extended the line to go to Whitby. This being one of Andrews favourite places we couldn't pass up the chance of a fabulous steam train journey!

Andrew had just finished nights so it was a bit of a mad dash to get to Pickering in time but the traffic was kind so got parked and on the train with ten mins to spare.

Isla has been on the train to Leeds but this was a very different experience. We had a carraige to ourselves and she loved wandering from window to window to look at the views. With the windows open you could smell the smoke coming from the steam engines.

As it was such a lovely day we had a wander round Whitby and then went down to the beach for a picnic lunch. Isla has been on the beach before but only in the pram so feeling the sand between her toes was a whole new experience but not one she liked! It reminded me of Chalky at Great Yarmouth, she was pulling her legs up every time you tried to put her down and was less than impressed by the whole beach thing!

Andrew & I laughed at the funny expressions she was pulling. Andrew said it was just as well we hadn't wasted money on a beach holiday abroad the month earlier, as on this showing we wouldn't have had much quality beach time.

Isla you will have to get to love it as Mummy likes to laze on the beach! Andrew took her for a paddle but she cried, mind you not surprised the water was freezing!

So time for home, all aboard the Whitby Express for the return journey to Pickering.
We had one of the nicest days out so far as a family. Now Isla is getting bigger and taking more interest its fascinating to watch her take in and explore all the new sights & sounds. I wonder what goes on in that little head of hers? I hope she enjoys her time with us as much as we enjoy our time with her!
Till next time..........

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Birthday Girl

Welcome back to the blog! have a new laptop so all systems go!
Well its been a full year since we welcomed Isla Jane into the world and for Andrew & Me it has been the best year of our lives!

What a year a difference a year has made, we now have a little girl and not a baby.

To celebrate Isla's big day we had a party for all her friends. All her lovely grand-parents clubbed together to buy a play house and as you can see she loved it, Isaac enjoyed playing with her too. Isla enjoyed opening all her presents and was thoroughly spoilt by everyone.
Not to leave family out we had another party on Saturday, we were s lucky with the weather as it was glorious sunshine both days.
I even made a birthday cake and 48 buns for everyone to enjoy! and despite me making them they tasted great and they scoffed the lot.
I guess in years to come it will be screaning kids, jelly & ice-cream and pass the parcel. The first birthday is a little more civilised!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Lion Tamer

Check Isla out only 9 months old and riding on the back of a ferocious lion!! She really is on the move now and can support herself really well. She loves this rocking lion that Paul & Laura bought her for Christmas. She has so many toys now she stuggles to play with them all.
Isla has started to crawl now too and can scoot from one end of the room to the other. You have to have eyes in your backside. We have had a couple of minor injuries where she has banged her head. When she cries she holds her breath for ages before letting out a scream, you shouldn't laugh but it is funny!
Being a parent is such an adventure, you can't beleive how much they pick up. Isla can now clap her hands, wave and touch her ear on request. Do you think that she is going to be talented?!

Happy New Year

We didn't so much on New Years Eve in fact I was in bed for 11 and only got up with Isla to watch all the fireworks that were going off all around.

New Year meant back to work for me and all of us into a new routine. Isla stays with Daddy for 2 days and goes to Helen's for the other.
I miss Isla when I go to work but we catch up on a night and play together. Shw does something new everyday and we can't help but marvel at how special she is.

As you can see Isla is really growing up now and we think she is the most beautiful thing we have ever seen. On my days off we go to the baby cafe and meet up with some other mums an babies. We have made a few friends now and have our own little social circle.

Daddy has been busy at work, he is now fully qualified as Crew Manager and both me & Isla are vey proud of him. Still lots to do inthe house, we have 8 new doors waiting to be put up but don't seem to have the time to do it. Isla always wants to play.
We are loving family life and our little routine suits us fine. Our recent trips out have included the swimming baths and Wetherby, I really must remember to start taking the camera so you can see what we are up to!!

Christmas Day

Isla's first Christmas and to celebrate she had her baby's first Christmas bib sent by Granny & Grandad Chambers. I hope Grandad Oldfield hasn't slipped any whiskey into Isla's drink. What a clever girl she is holding her own cup now and feeding herself.

Nana helped make it a special Christmas too, apart form spoiling Isla with lots of presents she made a wonderful table decoration for us to enjoy, it made our Christmas table look very festive. Good to see the night school classes weren't wasted.

Isla got loads of presents and enjoyed tearing the wrapping paper off. Nana & grandad Williams were there to assist. She loved her new baby walker that Mummy & Daddy bought her, there are loads of different buttons to press and it sings and talks to you. I think it may get on the grown ups nerves before too long. We had a lovely first family Christmas, even though we missed the family that couldn't be there.

Looking forward to an exciting 2007, love to all!