Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dexter's Birthday Weekend

We braved the floods and travelled down to Hereford to Antony & Jo's for the weekend to join in Dexters first birthday celebrations. The journey wasn't too bad but there was no doubt as to how bad it had been as we passed countless abandoned cars and caravans with water up to the roof.

Jo had planned a big garden party but it was so wet it had to be cancelled and it was a family only do! Despite the change of plan we had a really good weekend and all the cousins enjoyed playing together.

Thankfully the weather wasn't too bad on the Sunday, Isla & Dexter were glad to play outside for once! Antony stoked up the barbie and we had a lovely lunch of sausages & burgers before heading off home.
A really nice weekend so a big thank you to Antony & Jo especially as they gave up their bedroom for us!